Twentieth Sunday after Trinity

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It is very easy to let the world set your priorities for you. And there is certainly no lack of things competing for your time and attention – work, school, family, leisure, television, social media, etc. And while many of these are important, they can quickly become false gods before whom we bow down as though we owe them our devotion. Companies demand 24-hour access to you. Homework keeps our children up late at night. Coaches demand more and longer practices and games even on the Lord’s Day. The pressure can be intense. But it is essential that we do not allow them to rob us of the one thing that is actually needed – the Word of God by which we are cleansed of our sin and made righteous in the sight of God. God Himself has invited each of us, through the preaching and hearing of His Word, to believe all that He has graciously done for us in Christ and to receive that salvation through His Word and the blessed sacrament of His Body and Blood. To not make these our top priority each and every day, is to reject the Lord’s invitation to be our God, our only good and our source of life. Let us not be deceived by the world or our flesh as to what is most important and what is actually needed. Hear and believe the Word of God, gather before Him that He may make you righteous, and make the things of God your chief and highest good. I look forward to gathering with you to the wedding feast this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer