Twelfth Sunday After Trinity

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It is quite astounding to see the reality of the Christian faith woven
into the very fabric of creation. How does a child learn how to speak?
He listens. He listens to everyone around him making these funny
sounds and putting them together and starting to mimic what he hears.
If this hearing is impeded, the task of learning to speak is greatly
hindered and, in some cases, prevented completely. Hearing is quite
central to speaking. This is absolutely true of us being able to speak
rightly, orthodoxy, of God as His children. Unless we first listen to
our Father speak, we won’t know what to say. We may speak words but
they won’t be the right ones because the only thing we know about God
we know from His Word where He reveals Himself to us. “Faith comes by
hearing” writes the Apostle Paul. Our ears must be open to hear God
speak before we can begin to speak. And it is in the waters of Holy
Baptism that God bestows upon us His Holy Spirit who cleans out the
impediment of sin from our ears so that we can listen to God’s Word
with faith. Then, as we hear and study God’s Word, our lips can be
opened so that we can rightly praise God for His mighty works of
salvation. I look forward to gathering together with all of you this
coming Lord’s Day to have our ears and mouths filled with the truth of
God’s Holy Word.

Pastor Ulmer