Transfiguration of Our Lord

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I have always loved the last three words which God the Father spoke at the Transfiguration – “Listen to Him.” That is the command given to every Christian – listen to Jesus. Don’t make up a version of Him that fits your own ideas. Don’t cherry pick His words or take them out of context. Just listen. Last month we memorized the following words of Jesus “If you abide in my word then you are truly my disciples.” Disciples put their hands over their lips and listen to their teacher. They do not presume to know better. They are the students sitting at the teacher’s feet. We live by that Word which Jesus speaks, the Word which declares us righteous, the Word which commands that our sins are forgiven, the Word which raises us from death to eternal life. Our world is filled with a lot of talking and opining about who God SHOULD be and what God SHOULD do. But the way that seems right to man is foolishness. Let us, the disciples of Christ by Holy Baptism, spend more time listening to Jesus – reading the Bible at home, listening to the Bible read and taught in church and Bible Class. Let us listen to Jesus and receive His Word in the joy and confidence that His Word is true and right and gives light and life to all who believe it. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day as we gather to listen to Jesus.      

Pastor Ulmer