Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

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The account of our Lord resurrecting the son of the widow of Nain is perfectly emblematic of exactly what our Lord has come to do for us – halt our funeral procession to hell and raise us to the life of forgiveness. The Living God offered His own life in place of ours and took our death to die it for us. No greater love could anyone have for another. Now your own bier is but a sweet, soft, resting place until that day when the Lord Jesus descends with a shout to awaken you from sleep and commands you to arise and inherit the kingdom prepared for you. And even now you have a foretaste of this resurrection life. You have been baptized, raised from the accursed death of sin and judgment. You are a child of the living God! Sin and death have no power over you. You are still surrounded by these things and they certainly still attack you and seek to harm you but they are powerless against those who take refuge in Christ, the only-begotten Son of God who suffered the bitter death of the cross. He has crushed them under His pierced feet and smashed open the lids of our coffins. Do not weep. Death is not the final word. That belongs to Christ and this day the Lord Jesus Christ says, “Arise.” I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer