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“’Reminiscere’ is translated simply as ‘remember’.  This week’s Introit implores God to remember His steadfast mercy and His love, something He most certainly will and has and does.  But do we?  Do we remember all the goodness and tender mercies that our Lord has graciously poured out to us?  Do we brush aside how richly we have been blessed in Christ so that we can complain about something else we think we should have?  The Lord never forgets either His love for you or His promises to you.  He is always faithful.  This is one of the great blessings of the Easter Vigil which we will again observe this year with the saints at Faith in Plano.  During the Vigil several accounts of God’s mercy and faithfulness to His people are put before us so that we might be reminded again and rejoice in all that God has done for us, His chosen people.  These are given to us so that we might not lose hope or despair in the midst of turmoil and affliction.  Indeed, this is a central part of why we go to church and read the Scriptures in our homes – to remember, to be reminded of God’s graciousness and forgiveness.  As God, then, has remembered His mercy to us, let us remember the Sabbath Day as our Lord has commanded, and gather in the Lord’s house to receive His goodness and His mercy and give Him thanks for all His many benefits.  I look forward to seeing you at church this coming Lord’s Day.  And REMEMBER to set your clocks forward an hour for Daylight Savings!
