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When Jesus healed blind Bartemaeus, Bartemaeus’ response was to glorify God and follow Jesus to Jerusalem. That is the response of faith – to follow Jesus where He goes. Christ has healed you of your spiritual blindness, giving to you the Holy Spirit so that His Word is open to you and you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who has taken away your sins. Will you follow where the Lord leads? In Jerusalem, Jesus would meet His death which may have been utterly confusing to Bartemaeus as it was to the disciples. How could men be so awful, so filled with hatred, so cruel as to murder an innocent man who brings the mercy of God? But we must follow. And though we will endure our own trials and crosses, only the Son of David suffered the wrath of God against your sin. He alone offered His Blood as the atoning sacrifice for your guilt. Trusting in Him, you will never have to suffer God’s wrath. And now the Lord calls you to follow Him to your Father’s house where He may bestow unto you all the benefits for which He bled and died. Do not listen to the noise of the world. Cry out to Jesus who will have mercy upon you. Follow Him to the Holy Supper of salvation. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer