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In Isaiah 55 God promises that His word would accomplish everything for which He sends it.  This Sunday we hear our Lord Jesus Christ tell His disciples that everything written about THE WORD, the Son of Man, will be accomplished in Jerusalem.  That means one thing – our salvation.  That is the consistent witness of the Old Testament – God would send the seed of the woman to crush Satan’s head.  What it took to accomplish that was shocking – the Son of Man would be delivered over to the Gentiles, mocked, shamefully treated, and spit upon.  He would be mercilessly flogged and crucified.  It looked to the naked eye as though Satan was doing all the crushing.  But faith sees something else.  Faith, like the blind man, doesn’t see with its eyes. Faith relies on its ears with which it hears that Jesus will rise again from the dead and knows that can only mean that the sinless one has made sufficient payment for sin.  Faith hears and believes and receives with joy what the Lord gives.  You have been given eyes of faith to see the truth, Jesus, who takes away sin and death from you.  I look forward to seeing each of you this coming Lord’s Day as we gather to receive the goodness of God with our eyes and ears and mouths.
