Purification of Mary and Presentation of Our Lord

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The Scriptures are full of rich and wonderful irony. When Joseph and Mary bring the Lord Jesus to the temple according to the Mosaic Law in order that Mary may be purified by the offering of sacrifices, how wonderful that the child they bring is the source of the purification of all sinners and will be the sacrifice that puts an end to all such sacrifices! Christ Jesus is presented at His Heavenly Father’s house and dedicated to His service – the service of suffering God’s wrath against our sin. And while His pious and faithful parents bring Jesus to offer Him in service to God, it is truly Jesus who offers Himself willingly to us, to lay down His life. Lambs, turtledoves, and pigeons simply aren’t sufficient substitutes. Only the One who is like us in every respect except that He is without sin can merit our salvation. And He who is the sacrifice is also the great High Priest of all men who goes into the Holy of Holies with His own Blood pleading for us. It is by His Blood, shed on the cross, that we, like Simeon, may depart this life in peace because the Word of the Lord has been fulfilled. Let us then, led by the Holy Spirit, make haste to the temple to receive the One who has purified our consciences and now presents us as dearly beloved children to the Heavenly Father. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer