Martyrdom of St. John

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Martyrdom is not something we are accustomed to thinking of in our time.  But, ask John the Baptist. The world’s hatred of God’s Word is very real and he suffered imprisonment and death because of his faith in Christ and his uncompromising proclamation of God’s Word.  Still today people are suffering terrible persecution and even martyrdom at the hands of those who deny Christ and cannot tolerate those who believe in him.  Most recently, the faithful in Afghanistan have fallen back under the dark shadow of the Islamic zealot Taliban and others who rejoice at the opportunity to kill “infidels” and those who believe in Jesus.  In our own country, those who confess the orthodox Christian faith are more and more becoming outcasts.  We would be foolish to close our eyes to that reality.  But Christ has promised to keep His flock. He too suffered persecution and martyrdom.  But He is risen!  He is the firstborn among many brothers. And all who endure in faith, all who hold to the good confession to the end, will be rewarded with the crown of eternal life.  How can you remain faithful when the fires of persecution rise?  The same way you were made one of the faithful – remain the Word, continue to hear the Word of Christ and believe the promises He has made to the Baptized.  Receive the Body and Blood shed for you that bestow the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation upon all who believe.  I pray that the Holy Spirit would draw each and every one of you into your Father’s house to be strengthened and nourished in His grace and encouraged by the faithful witness and example of John the Baptist.

Pr. Ulmer