Can a person whose heart is filled with anger against his political “opponents” see clearly to remove their sin? Can a man whose eyes are filled with pornographic images see clearly to lead the young woman away from the abortion clinic and into the arms of the Church? Can the thief stealing from his boss by not putting forth his best effort see clearly to encourage his fellow Christians to increase their offerings? No. If we are unwilling to be repentant, to acknowledge our sin and actually work to remove the log, we will very likely hurt our neighbor and ourselves if we try to remove the speck that is in our neighbor’s eye. The logs and the specks both need to be removed. It is foolish to leave the log in our eye, and it is loveless to leave the speck in our brother’s. If we measure ourselves to be above reproach, to be without the need for confession and absolution, then why should our neighbor not view themselves in the same way? If we are to judge rightly, that is according to the Word of God, we must allow that same Word to judge us and show us our error. We must judge both our neighbor and ourselves solely on the basis of the Word of God and humble ourselves before Him that He may forgive us both and restore us to life. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.
Pastor Ulmer