Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity

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We certainly love and are encouraged to think that we are our own masters, that we serve no one. But nothing could be further from the truth. First, we are creatures created by God. We owe our entire existence to Him. He has created us for His purposes. Our every thought, word, and deed ought to serve, glorify, and praise His gracious name. Second, born of flesh and blood, we are born into captivity, slavery to Satan and the sinful desires of our flesh. Scripture plainly tells us that “Every inclination of man’s heart is only evil from his youth.” Our wills are bound to Satan, to serve his will of greed, selfishness, lovelessness, perversity, idolatry, and death. In seeking our own way we are living faithfully to him. But a stronger man has come along, the Lord Jesus Christ, and conquered Satan so that we may serve Christ in His kingdom in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and blessedness. By bearing the guilt of our sin, Christ Jesus has burst the bonds that Satan used to bind us. We have been set free – not to serve ourselves, but to love and serve God and one another. But you cannot serve both. If you follow your flesh and walk contrary to the Word of God, you give your love to Satan and submit yourself to him. If you forsake the desires of your flesh and discipline yourself to bring every thought captive to Christ, living in the promise of Holy Baptism, then you will have a kind and gracious Master who suffered and died for you so that you might have all the blessings of His kingdom. I look forward to seeing all of you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer