Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

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In the Gospel appointed for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, our Lord teaches us something quite wonderful about the purpose of coming to God’s house and even calling upon God in general. It is precisely those who are unworthy, who are keenly aware of their own sinfulness and guilt, who have nothing to offer God except their cries for mercy who are heard by God and who are justified. Coming to church is not part of showing God that you have it together. You don’t come because you aren’t like other men. You come because you are exactly like all other men and you know that in God’s house you will find mercy and forgiveness. You know that your heart is sick with sinful desires and that only God can heal you and strengthen you. You know the good news that Christ Jesus died for sinners that we might be rescued from our sin and the judgment we deserve. So come, poor sinners, to the house of God where Jesus stands ready to forgive your sins, to cleanse you from all unrighteousness, and to send you home justified. I look forward to seeing you this coming Lord’s Day.

Pastor Ulmer