Maundy Thursday 2018
Maundy Thursday 29 March, Anno Domini 2018 St. John 13:1-15 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. This is such a rich and beautiful text and we would … Continued
Maundy Thursday 29 March, Anno Domini 2018 St. John 13:1-15 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. This is such a rich and beautiful text and we would … Continued
Palmarum 25 March, Anno Domini 2018 St. Matthew 27:11-54 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Today marks the beginning of our yearly entrance into the Holy of Holies. … Continued
Judica with the Rite of Holy Baptism for Holland Kayte Clem and John Robert Reinhold Ulmer 18 March, Anno Domini 2018 St. John 8:42-59 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the … Continued
Laetare 11 March, Anno Domini 2018 St. John 6:1-15 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The ten devastating plagues weren’t enough. Walking right through the middle of the … Continued
Reminiscere 25 February, Anno Domini 2018 St. Matthew 15:21-28 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. All of us have painful memories and unspeakable sins of thought and deed … Continued
Invocavit 18 February, Anno Domini 2018 St. Matthew 4:1-11 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. There is a very real and very fierce battle raging right now and … Continued
Ash Wednesday 14 February, Anno Domini 2018 Psalm 51/32 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The Psalms are an immeasurably rich prayer book which I commend to your … Continued
Quinquagesima 11 February, Anno Domini 2018 St. Luke 18: 31-43 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Everything the prophets wrote about the Son of Man God brought … Continued
Sexagesima 4 February, Anno Domini 2018 St. Luke 8:4-15 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures aren’t magical. They aren’t like the fairytale book of spells that … Continued
Septuagesima 28 January, Anno Domini 2018 St. Matthew 20:1-16 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. This Sunday, Septuagesima, is a great transition between the seasons of Epiphany and … Continued