Fifth Sunday of Easter
God wants you, even commands you, to expect the very best things from Him. He commands you to ask because He is the Giver and He is your Father who didn’t even spare His own Son from death to save … Continued
God wants you, even commands you, to expect the very best things from Him. He commands you to ask because He is the Giver and He is your Father who didn’t even spare His own Son from death to save … Continued
Sorrow is something that we are all familiar with. We have all, to varying degrees, had to endure times of our life where our hearts are weighed down with grief, with the dread that we will never know joy again … Continued
What is the difference between the Good Shepherd and everyone else? Many things, but one of them is that the Good Shepherd gathers while the others care nothing when the sheep are scattered. Indeed, the hireling flees when the wolf … Continued
How wonderful beyond telling that the Lord Jesus Christ comes to his trembling and unbelieving disciples who are hiding behind locked doors and greets them with “Peace to you”! It didn’t matter how many times they had been told or … Continued
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! This is the day of days, when Christ burst forth from the grave, having trampled sin and death forever under His pierced feet. The light of this day is given to … Continued
What a great joy to begin the solemness of Holy Week with joyous acclamation of praise to our Savior who humbly entered Jerusalem to wage war against the devil, to crush him, to take away all his power over you … Continued
Jesus told the tempter “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” And that Word is Jesus Himself! He is the Word of the Father who reveals and wins … Continued
You would think it was easy to distinguish the works of God from the works of the devil. And if we weren’t full of self-righteousness and a desire to tell God how it is, the works of God would be … Continued
We don’t think of God as forgetting until we feel forgotten or ignored. When our flesh presses us to capitulate to temptation day after day. When our spouse’s body or our own are consumed with sickness. When those who hate … Continued