Last Sunday of the Church Year
In these last days in which we live, it is easy to give up the watch waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to return. It is easy to become complacent and assume that He will be delayed and so we … Continued
In these last days in which we live, it is easy to give up the watch waiting for our Lord Jesus Christ to return. It is easy to become complacent and assume that He will be delayed and so we … Continued
God loves good works. He accomplishes much good for our neighbor through them. He takes note of them, not because they save a person but because they are done in love, without a thought of reward. And such works are … Continued
When you are training yourself in a skill, especially when that training is physically or mentally exhausting, it is important to keep the end goal in mind. We should know what it is that we are putting in all the … Continued
When someone like the king invites you to his table to celebrate, you go. We can imagine this. If some famous or powerful person invited us today to eat at their house, we would move heaven and earth to get … Continued
Our lives know a great deal of suffering. And we would love for God to take the crosses away so that the earthly suffering could stop. The paralyzed man who was brought to Jesus certainly would have been looking for … Continued
Our goal in this life is not to be exalted either in the eyes of God or in the eyes of man. Any glory that is bestowed upon us is glory that is robbed from Christ to whom alone belongs … Continued
“The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears toward their cry.” (Palm 34:15) God does not pay attention to those who desperately seek to prove to Him how and good and healthy they are. They have … Continued
Death brings sadness. It doesn’t matter how much we want to pretend that it’s natural. It doesn’t matter that we don’t want people to be sad when we are gone. They will be. We will be sad when our loved … Continued
In this world of constant business and guilt and worry, where everyone expects everything of you and you take on countless numbers of obligations, there is nothing more relieving than to know that saving yourself is never going to be … Continued
It is quite a wonderful gift that we have technologies that allow those whose hearing is failing to recover at least some of what has been lost, or at least provide an alternative way to communicate. The person who can’t … Continued