Ninth Sunday after Trinity
If you struggle with sin (and we all do), then I am sure you have wished that God would just make the temptations stop. You are acutely aware of the weakness of your flesh and it would be far easier … Continued
If you struggle with sin (and we all do), then I am sure you have wished that God would just make the temptations stop. You are acutely aware of the weakness of your flesh and it would be far easier … Continued
Telling the truth matters. Truth is reality. Truth is comfort. This is especially true when it comes to salvation. There is only one way to salvation – faith in the death and resurrection of the Son of God for the … Continued
In the midst of the struggles and hardships that we face, it is very easy to forget that God is rich in His mercy and abundant in His gifts. Our heads are bowed down with sorrow as we see death … Continued
Under no circumstance can any of us claim a righteousness sufficient to earn God’s favor. Even a cursory review of the Ten Commandments reveals that hard truth. We have no righteousness before God because every time we break one of … Continued
Can a person whose heart is filled with anger against his political “opponents” see clearly to remove their sin? Can a man whose eyes are filled with pornographic images see clearly to lead the young woman away from the abortion … Continued
We definitely hate losing things. It’s frustrating. It can make us angry. It can be scary. And it can be heartbreaking. We want those things back. Consider the great effort we will expend to find money that we’ve lost, paperwork … Continued
The invitation to Christ’s kingdom is, truly, a gracious one. Thanks and praise be to God that we have receive the invitation. We have heard the Gospel. It has been told to us that Christ Jesus has forgiven sins by … Continued
We are all prone to being deceived by appearances. We think that what we see is an accurate reflection of what lies in the heart. Put together on the outside must mean put together on the inside. The story of … Continued
Holy Trinity Sunday is really a nice way to cap off the festival season of the church year and begin the non-festival season. It is good and right that we take the time to hear about and meditate on the … Continued
The Holy Spirit was given to the Church by Christ from the Father to proclaim the way of salvation, to declare the mighty works of God in Christ Jesus for the redemption of sinners. This has and will always be … Continued