Fourth Sunday in Advent
I doubt many people (if any) have a St. John the Baptist ornament for their Christmas tree. But maybe we should. If the point of Christmas is to devote our attention to the Christ who came to save us, could … Continued
I doubt many people (if any) have a St. John the Baptist ornament for their Christmas tree. But maybe we should. If the point of Christmas is to devote our attention to the Christ who came to save us, could … Continued
The strongest faith in Christ isn’t the one that doesn’t need more Christ but constantly cries out for more Christ – more assurance, more promises, more forgiveness. John the Baptist was a man of great faith. That, at least in … Continued
Signs of the times. Do we understand them? Are we afraid of them? Wars and rumors of wars. Diseases ravaging mankind. Famine. Earthquakes. Hurricanes. False teachers on every corner and their false teaching spreading like wildfire. Brothers and sisters in … Continued
In the Christ’s Church we often speak of the three “comings” of our Lord – His coming in humility, His coming in the Sacrament, and His future coming in glory. These are not three disparate comings but all flow together. … Continued
We have been forewarned – the Bridegroom is coming. It is not a question of if but when. That is the most joyous news we can hear! The Bridegroom is coming. What bride doesn’t eagerly await the arrival of her … Continued
What belongs to God and what belongs to Caesar? Our sinful hearts certainly have trouble answering that question, even though it is really quite simple. The problem is that we don’t want to give to God what belongs to God … Continued
We all want to be invited to the big celebration. We don’t want to be left out or forgotten. The good news is – you are invited! It’s not to a birthday or a victory celebration but to the banquet … Continued
Supply chains on everything from flooring to lumber to cars are backed in ways many of us have never seen before. Consequently, the one thing that is not at all in short supply is anxiousness. From the current economic situation … Continued
Through the Apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit teaches us that “the works of the flesh are evident.” Sin is pretty obvious, really. God hasn’t left it a mystery. The Ten Commandments are clear. The problem is that we like sin … Continued
Martyrdom is not something we are accustomed to thinking of in our time. But, ask John the Baptist. The world’s hatred of God’s Word is very real and he suffered imprisonment and death because of his faith in Christ and … Continued