The Baptism of our Lord

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Baptism is a treasure beyond anything we can have in this life. The act itself is deceptively humble – a little water administered to the body by God’s authority. But its benefits are immeasurable! You simply cannot appreciate enough the … Continued

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

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You have enough. You may be biting your nails, anxiously pouring over bills, worrying about the school supply list, grumbling as you pump more expensive gas into your car, but you have enough. As a child of your heavenly Father … Continued

Fifth Sunday after Trinity

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One of the gifts of Christ that He instituted and gave to His Church was the Office of the Holy Ministry.  Through that ministry the Church exercises Christ’s authority to forgive the sins of repentant sinners and withhold repentance from … Continued

First Sunday after Trinity

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Our gods are evidenced by the way in which we conduct our lives.  The rich man believed nothing of God’s mercy towards him and therefore refused to show mercy to his poor neighbor.  He believed that his earthly blessings had … Continued

Feast of the Holy Trinity

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This Sunday is an especially joyous day for our congregation as four of our catechumens will make public confession of their faith before God and His Church and receive Holy Communion.  And how appropriate that they should be making this … Continued

The Feast of Pentecost

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In the midst of all the uncertainty and anxiousness of this world, thanks be to God that He has poured out the Holy Spirit upon His Church!  It is the work of the Holy Spirit to write the preached Word … Continued