Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
The account of our Lord resurrecting the son of the widow of Nain is perfectly emblematic of exactly what our Lord has come to do for us – halt our funeral procession to hell and raise us to the life … Continued
The account of our Lord resurrecting the son of the widow of Nain is perfectly emblematic of exactly what our Lord has come to do for us – halt our funeral procession to hell and raise us to the life … Continued
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity8 September, Anno Domini 2024St. Matthew 6:24-34 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Saints of God, Who among us isn’t guilty of feverish handwringing … Continued
We certainly love and are encouraged to think that we are our own masters, that we serve no one. But nothing could be further from the truth. First, we are creatures created by God. We owe our entire existence to … Continued
As Christians who have come to know the goodness and mercy of God, not just in the abundant good of creation but especially in the atoning death of God’s Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, it is probably shocking to us … Continued
The Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity 25 August, Anno Domini 2024St. Luke 10:23-37 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Children of God, This parable of our Lord is filled with … Continued
The mercy of God is the entire foundation of our salvation. Our sin has broken us, torn us away from God, and left us for dead – eternally. The Law cannot help us. It can only show a bright spotlight … Continued
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity18 August, Anno Domini 2024Isaiah 29:17-24 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Oh you who are wearied by the battle strain, Who among us … Continued
It is quite astounding to see the reality of the Christian faith woveninto the very fabric of creation. How does a child learn how to speak?He listens. He listens to everyone around him making these funnysounds and putting them together … Continued
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity11 August, Anno Domini 2024St. Luke 18:9-14 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Children of God, The account of Cain’s fratricide of his brother … Continued
Pride is a terrible and mighty beast. It creeps up on us and entices us by leading us to think more of ourselves than we ought. We begin to take undue pride in our work and accomplishments and believe that … Continued