Reformation Thoughts

posted in: Pastor's Desk | 0

It’s October, the month when Lutherans look back to that day in 1517 when Dr. Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg. But that was only the beginning. Debates, diets, councils, conflicts and wars were quick … Continued

Tenth Sunday After Trinity 2019

posted in: Sermon | 0

The Tenth Sunday after Trinity 25 August, Anno Domini 2019 St. Luke 19:41-48 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Is peace actually possible in this world?  It sounds … Continued

Ninth Sunday After Trinity 2019

posted in: Sermon | 0

The Ninth Sunday after Trinity 18 August, Anno Domini 2019 St. Luke 16:1-9 Pr. Kurt Ulmer In the Name of the Father, and of the +Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Reading this text I couldn’t help but think about … Continued