Third Sunday after Trinity

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The Third Sunday after Trinity25 June, Anno Domini 2023St. Luke 15:1-32 Dear found of the Lord, In the first two parables before us this morning, common sense would suggest that the owners just cut their losses and rejoice in what … Continued

Second Sunday after Trinity

posted in: Pastor's Desk | 0

The wisest among us are total fools.  That is, they reject their own wisdom and strength, they reject all that the world praises as good and important, and instead they humble themselves before the Crucified Jesus, the Son of God, … Continued

Festival of St. Barnabas 2023

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The Festival of St. Barnabas with the Rite of Confirmation for Brenna Hackbart and Sienna Reif11 June, Anno Domini 2023Acts 11:19-30; 13:1-3 Grace, mercy, and peace be to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus … Continued

St. Barnabas

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St. Barnabas was a faithful servant of Christ who accompanied St. Paul on his first apostolic missionary journey. He saw the great work of God among the Gentiles as the Holy Spirit was given to those who believed the Gospel … Continued

The Feast of Holy Trinity

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Sometimes the hardest thing about the Christian faith is that we can’t simply explain everything in a world that insists on proof (even though so much of what our world believes is built on lies). But there is much of … Continued

The Feast of Pentecost 2023

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The Feast of Pentecost28 May, Anno Domini 2023St. John 14:23-31 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Saints of God, When the Lord Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit … Continued

The Feast of Pentecost

posted in: Pastor's Desk | 0

The kingdom of God is a kingdom without borders. There is no language or nationality where God does not want the good news of salvation proclaimed because there is no sinner that God does not want to be saved. God … Continued