Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
Death brings sadness. It doesn’t matter how much we want to pretend that it’s natural. It doesn’t matter that we don’t want people to be sad when we are gone. They will be. We will be sad when our loved … Continued
Death brings sadness. It doesn’t matter how much we want to pretend that it’s natural. It doesn’t matter that we don’t want people to be sad when we are gone. They will be. We will be sad when our loved … Continued
The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity17 September, Anno Domini 2023St. Matthew 6:24-34 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Children of the heavenly Father, There isn’t a single one of … Continued
The Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity10 September, Anno Domini 2023St. Luke 17:11-19 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Redeemed of the Lord, Central to the Christian faith, central to … Continued
In this world of constant business and guilt and worry, where everyone expects everything of you and you take on countless numbers of obligations, there is nothing more relieving than to know that saving yourself is never going to be … Continued
The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity27 August, Anno Domini 2023St. Mark 7:31-37 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Confessors of Christ, In the healing of the deaf mute before … Continued
It is quite a wonderful gift that we have technologies that allow those whose hearing is failing to recover at least some of what has been lost, or at least provide an alternative way to communicate. The person who can’t … Continued
The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity20 August, Anno Domini 2023St. Luke 18:9-14 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Brothers and sisters in Christ, There is a reason that religions … Continued
In the Gospel appointed for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, our Lord teaches us something quite wonderful about the purpose of coming to God’s house and even calling upon God in general. It is precisely those who are unworthy, who … Continued
The Tenth Sunday after Trinity13 August, Anno Domini 2023St. Luke 19:41-48 Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. People of God, If you have not read Josephus’ account of … Continued
Emotions aren’t bad things. Our Lord experienced emotions including sadness and anger. God does not require of you that you be stoic and unfeeling. But, those emotions, like all things, ought to be in service to both God and your … Continued