Third Sunday in Advent

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If John the Baptist, the greatest born man among women, the Elijah who was to come, needs a preacher to strengthen and confirm his faith, so do we. It would seem that up to that point, John had no doubt … Continued

Second Sunday in Advent

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All things in this life are fleeting. They are passing away. No matter how meticulously we care for our cars, eat good foods, or protect our toys, everything eventually will fade away like the flowers of the field. They cannot … Continued

Festival of the Reformation

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The Lutheran Reformation, not to be confused with the Protestant Reformation, was just that – an effort to reform the church, not start a new one. But it was about something far more fundamental than that. It was about the … Continued

Twelfth Sunday After Trinity

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It is quite astounding to see the reality of the Christian faith woveninto the very fabric of creation. How does a child learn how to speak?He listens. He listens to everyone around him making these funnysounds and putting them together … Continued

Sixth Sunday after Trinity

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Under no circumstance can any of us claim a righteousness sufficient to earn God’s favor. Even a cursory review of the Ten Commandments reveals that hard truth. We have no righteousness before God because every time we break one of … Continued

Fourth Sunday after Trinity

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Can a person whose heart is filled with anger against his political “opponents” see clearly to remove their sin? Can a man whose eyes are filled with pornographic images see clearly to lead the young woman away from the abortion … Continued

Third Sunday after Trinity

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We definitely hate losing things. It’s frustrating. It can make us angry. It can be scary. And it can be heartbreaking. We want those things back. Consider the great effort we will expend to find money that we’ve lost, paperwork … Continued

The Feast of Pentecost

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The Holy Spirit was given to the Church by Christ from the Father to proclaim the way of salvation, to declare the mighty works of God in Christ Jesus for the redemption of sinners. This has and will always be … Continued

Quasimodo Geniti

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It has become vogue in recent decades to think of the gathering of the saints as unnecessary for Christians. When pressed, people will say things like “I don’t need to go to church to be a Christian.” Such a comment … Continued


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How quickly the mood changes. We move from the loud Hosannas to the cries of “Crucify Him!” Such is the fickleness of sinners – one minute praising God, the next minute cursing our neighbor under our breath. And such is … Continued


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As Christians we are called to patience. We are not given to immediately see the full fruits of what we believe. That only comes after the Last Day. Until then we must wait. We must endure persecution. We must endure … Continued


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How strange that in the middle of the season of Lent, a time of fasting, the account of the feeding of the 5000 is placed before us! And yet it is quite appropriate. The crowds who had followed Jesus had … Continued


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In Luther’s rite of Holy Baptism, he actually retained the exorcism at the beginning. The pastor simply says “Depart, you unclean spirit, and make room for the Holy Spirit.” (LSB Agenda, 13) Baptism rescues sinners from the devil’s kingdom. It … Continued


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This past Sunday we heard again the account of our Lord Jesus Christ spending forty days in the harsh wilderness waiting patiently for His Heavenly Father to provide His daily bread in due season. This week the Canaanite women patiently … Continued


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It was the will of the Holy Spirit and so it was the will of the Father and the will of your Savior to be driven out in the wilderness to fast and to suffer the terrible temptations of the … Continued


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When Jesus healed blind Bartemaeus, Bartemaeus’ response was to glorify God and follow Jesus to Jerusalem. That is the response of faith – to follow Jesus where He goes. Christ has healed you of your spiritual blindness, giving to you … Continued


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Jesus cried out “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” This is what we as Christians are called to do – fill the ears that God gave us with His Word. The Word of God bears fruit. It … Continued


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What a joy to be called to labor in the Lord’s vineyard! Each of us, by virtue of our Baptism have been graciously called by the master of the vineyard away from the idle uselessness of unbelief to the richly-rewarding … Continued

Second Sunday after Epiphany

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Behold the over-flowing abundance of God’s kingdom of mercy! When man’s righteousness falls short of the glory of God (and it ALWAYS does!) God’s mercy in Christ flows down in rivers of the finest wine. The master of the feast … Continued

Baptism of our Lord

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If you had any doubts about the great treasure that your Baptism is, look to the Baptism of Our Lord. There, with the utmost clarity do you see what has been done for and to you in the washing of … Continued

Third Sunday in Advent

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Even the strongest among us simply cannot endure the troubles and persecutions of this world without the constant preaching of God’s Word ringing in our ears. Though he was appointed to make the Messiah known to Israel through Baptism and … Continued

Second Sunday in Advent

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Children of God, your redemption is drawing near. Indeed, your redemption stands in your very midst as you gather with Christ’s Church to hear your Lord speak and to receive the food of His Flesh and the drink of His … Continued

First Sunday in Advent

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Too often in Christian circles, our Lord Jesus Christ is portrayed to us as an absent Lord who comes to us only in our thoughts and the imaginations of our heart. Worse, we are expected to somehow ascend to Him … Continued

Festival of All Saints

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When you are training yourself in a skill, especially when that training is physically or mentally exhausting, it is important to keep the end goal in mind. We should know what it is that we are putting in all the … Continued

Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

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In the Gospel appointed for the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity, our Lord teaches us something quite wonderful about the purpose of coming to God’s house and even calling upon God in general. It is precisely those who are unworthy, who … Continued

Tenth Sunday after Trinity

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Emotions aren’t bad things. Our Lord experienced emotions including sadness and anger. God does not require of you that you be stoic and unfeeling. But, those emotions, like all things, ought to be in service to both God and your … Continued

Ninth Sunday after Trinity

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What are stewards charged with? They are charged with the management and care of someone else’s things. That means that the steward is to use those things according to the will of the true owner. The steward is not free … Continued

Festival of The Visitation

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To the one looking for God’s kingdom of mercy and righteousness, the coming of the Savior, even when He was still in the womb of His mother, Mary, is a joyous occasion beyond description. Where the Savior is, there is … Continued

Second Sunday after Trinity

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The wisest among us are total fools.  That is, they reject their own wisdom and strength, they reject all that the world praises as good and important, and instead they humble themselves before the Crucified Jesus, the Son of God, … Continued

St. Barnabas

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St. Barnabas was a faithful servant of Christ who accompanied St. Paul on his first apostolic missionary journey. He saw the great work of God among the Gentiles as the Holy Spirit was given to those who believed the Gospel … Continued

The Feast of Holy Trinity

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Sometimes the hardest thing about the Christian faith is that we can’t simply explain everything in a world that insists on proof (even though so much of what our world believes is built on lies). But there is much of … Continued

The Feast of Pentecost

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The kingdom of God is a kingdom without borders. There is no language or nationality where God does not want the good news of salvation proclaimed because there is no sinner that God does not want to be saved. God … Continued

Sixth Sunday of Easter

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Jesus desires your joy to be filled up to overflowing in the truest and deepest sense. He desires you to have the joy that runs so deep that no matter how turbulent the waters of life are, you have the … Continued

Fourth Sunday of Easter

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Sorrow is something that we are all familiar with. We have all, to varying degrees, had to endure times of our life where our hearts are weighed down with grief, with the dread that we will never know joy again … Continued

Third Sunday of Easter

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What is the difference between the Good Shepherd and everyone else? Many things, but one of them is that the Good Shepherd gathers while the others care nothing when the sheep are scattered. Indeed, the hireling flees when the wolf … Continued

Second Sunday of Easter

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How wonderful beyond telling that the Lord Jesus Christ comes to his trembling and unbelieving disciples who are hiding behind locked doors and greets them with “Peace to you”! It didn’t matter how many times they had been told or … Continued

Palm Sunday

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What a great joy to begin the solemness of Holy Week with joyous acclamation of praise to our Savior who humbly entered Jerusalem to wage war against the devil, to crush him, to take away all his power over you … Continued


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In this fifth week of Lent we see demons enter back into the conversation. On the Third Sunday of Lent we saw the Pharisees accusing Jesus of being in league with the demons. Today, Jesus turns the tables and shows … Continued

Fourth Sunday In Lent

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Jesus told the tempter “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” And that Word is Jesus Himself! He is the Word of the Father who reveals and wins … Continued

Third Sunday in Lent

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You would think it was easy to distinguish the works of God from the works of the devil. And if we weren’t full of self-righteousness and a desire to tell God how it is, the works of God would be … Continued


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We don’t think of God as forgetting until we feel forgotten or ignored. When our flesh presses us to capitulate to temptation day after day. When our spouse’s body or our own are consumed with sickness. When those who hate … Continued


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Adam needed nothing. God had given him total access to all of creation with the only exception being the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It doesn’t have that name because its fruit possessed mystical powers. Rather, in … Continued


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Hearing is everything. If we do not hear the Law of God that we may know our sin we will imagine that we don’t need salvation. If we do not hear good news of our salvation than we will have … Continued


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We all love getting something for nothing. But what we don’t much care for is someone else getting something for nothing. We feel cheated as though it should have been us rather than them. It is crucial, however, that we … Continued

Transfiguration of Our Lord

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In the midst of darkness and affliction we need encouragement. That is what our Lord granted to Peter, James, and John when He was transfigured before them and conversed with Moses and Elijah. They were about to see Jesus treated … Continued

The Baptism of our Lord

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Baptism is a treasure beyond anything we can have in this life. The act itself is deceptively humble – a little water administered to the body by God’s authority. But its benefits are immeasurable! You simply cannot appreciate enough the … Continued

Seventh Sunday after Trinity

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You have enough. You may be biting your nails, anxiously pouring over bills, worrying about the school supply list, grumbling as you pump more expensive gas into your car, but you have enough. As a child of your heavenly Father … Continued

Fifth Sunday after Trinity

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One of the gifts of Christ that He instituted and gave to His Church was the Office of the Holy Ministry.  Through that ministry the Church exercises Christ’s authority to forgive the sins of repentant sinners and withhold repentance from … Continued

First Sunday after Trinity

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Our gods are evidenced by the way in which we conduct our lives.  The rich man believed nothing of God’s mercy towards him and therefore refused to show mercy to his poor neighbor.  He believed that his earthly blessings had … Continued

Feast of the Holy Trinity

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This Sunday is an especially joyous day for our congregation as four of our catechumens will make public confession of their faith before God and His Church and receive Holy Communion.  And how appropriate that they should be making this … Continued

The Feast of Pentecost

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In the midst of all the uncertainty and anxiousness of this world, thanks be to God that He has poured out the Holy Spirit upon His Church!  It is the work of the Holy Spirit to write the preached Word … Continued

Sixth Sunday of Easter

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Prayer to our heavenly Father is one of the most precious gifts that Christ has bestowed upon Christians through His atoning death and resurrection.  When we pray we are told that ‘God Himself loves you.’  So our prayers should not … Continued

Fifth Sunday of Easter

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The Holy Spirit is a teacher who draws us to all that is true and necessary and good for our salvation.  Ultimately, that means that He teaches us the truth about Christ – that Christ is our salvation and our … Continued

Second Sunday of Easter

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“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk of the Word.”  These are the opening words of the Introit for this Sunday – Quasi modi geniti.  Newborns love to eat – a lot.  And God has so marvelously ordered … Continued

Resurrection of our Lord

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“In Adam all die.” For we are all participants in the sin of Adam, who rebelled against God in the garden and brought the curse of death into the world. But “in Christ shall all be made alive” (1 Cor. … Continued

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

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“Give us this day our daily bread.”  But are we really satisfied with daily bread?  Are we actually satisfied with what the Lord provides, even though, quite often, it is far more than simply enough to get us through that day? … Continued


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“’Reminiscere’ is translated simply as ‘remember’.  This week’s Introit implores God to remember His steadfast mercy and His love, something He most certainly will and has and does.  But do we?  Do we remember all the goodness and tender mercies … Continued

Second Sunday in Lent

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In our sinful hearts, we find temptation to be complicated largely because we don’t know God’s Word as we should and because our flesh doesn’t want to do what is right.  When Jesus is tempted in the wilderness, we see … Continued


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In Isaiah 55 God promises that His word would accomplish everything for which He sends it.  This Sunday we hear our Lord Jesus Christ tell His disciples that everything written about THE WORD, the Son of Man, will be accomplished … Continued


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We must be careful how we hear the Word of Christ.  We need to be active, attentive hearers, listening with faith.  The Scriptures are not magical.  They don’t bring salvation by simply striking your eardrum.  We are reminded in this … Continued


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God gives away his kingdom.  Indeed, he has given it to you. Most certainly that seems to us to be utterly foolish.  We probably would have grumbled just like the first group of laborers.  Why would God simply give something … Continued

Festival of Transfiguration

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The apostle Peter, who was with our Lord on the Mount of Transfiguration, writes ‘We have a more sure prophetic word.’  We do not need signs and miracles.  We have the Word of God Almighty that reveals in full everything … Continued

Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

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The storms of life are raging all around us.  Some are literally harsh weather events.  Others are ideological storms fought in the ballot box and in conversations.  Others are internal where dark clouds of death hang thick over our heads … Continued

Fourth Sunday in Advent

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I doubt many people (if any) have a St. John the Baptist ornament for their Christmas tree.  But maybe we should.  If the point of Christmas is to devote our attention to the Christ who came to save us, could … Continued

The Third Sunday in Advent

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The strongest faith in Christ isn’t the one that doesn’t need more Christ but constantly cries out for more Christ – more assurance, more promises, more forgiveness.  John the Baptist was a man of great faith.  That, at least in … Continued

Second Sunday in Advent

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Signs of the times.  Do we understand them?  Are we afraid of them?  Wars and rumors of wars.  Diseases ravaging mankind.  Famine.  Earthquakes.  Hurricanes.  False teachers on every corner and their false teaching spreading like wildfire.  Brothers and sisters in … Continued

Trinity 23

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What belongs to God and what belongs to Caesar?  Our sinful hearts certainly have trouble answering that question, even though it is really quite simple.  The problem is that we don’t want to give to God what belongs to God … Continued

Trinity 20

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We all want to be invited to the big celebration.  We don’t want to be left out or forgotten.  The good news is – you are invited!  It’s not to a birthday or a victory celebration but to the banquet … Continued

Trinity 15

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Supply chains on everything from flooring to lumber to cars are backed in ways many of us have never seen before. Consequently, the one thing that is not at all in short supply is anxiousness.  From the current economic situation … Continued

Trinity 14

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Through the Apostle Paul, the Holy Spirit teaches us that “the works of the flesh are evident.” Sin is pretty obvious, really.  God hasn’t left it a mystery.  The Ten Commandments are clear.  The problem is that we like sin … Continued

Martyrdom of St. John

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Martyrdom is not something we are accustomed to thinking of in our time.  But, ask John the Baptist. The world’s hatred of God’s Word is very real and he suffered imprisonment and death because of his faith in Christ and … Continued

Trinity 11

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“Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her from the Lord.”  These words of St. Elizabeth spoken to St. Mary, the mother of our Lord, are definitely words worth learning by … Continued

Trinity 10

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The Church of God has always suffered the plague of those who would change God’s Word in order to placate our sinful thoughts and desires.  Indeed, that desire lives deep within each and every one of our own hearts.  The … Continued

An Inauguration Prayer

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, In light of the high tension and anxiety regarding tomorrow’s inauguration and the state of our nation, I commend to you the following prayer: “Dear Father in heaven, all power and authority in heaven … Continued

Happy New Year!

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Dear saints of God, Happy New Year!  (Pastor’s lost his marbles.  He doesn’t even know what time of year it is.)  While the first statement may be true, I am certain it is a new year – a new Christian … Continued

Upcoming Sunday – Aug 16 2020

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, This Sunday is a very special day in Faith’s history.  This Sunday we will officially be established as an independent congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.  The Lord has richly blessed us these past … Continued


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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, March 8th. That was the last Sunday we all were able to gather together as a congregation. Atthe time this letter was written it had been eleven weeks since the church doors were closedand … Continued

Independence Update

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The COVID 19 pandemic has certainly been holding all of our attention pretty securely. But before all this began we had been in the process of becoming an independent congregation. Although our pace slowed … Continued


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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.   We pray this letter finds you and your family well and safe.  These are indeed strange … Continued

Moving Forward In Faith

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, These are very special times in the life of the congregation of Faith in Wylie. Have you ever had the opportunity to be part of a congregation that is just stepping out on its … Continued

Being Thankful!

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.” Dr. Luther selected these beautiful but simple words of praise and thanksgiving from 1 Chronicles 16 to begin returning … Continued

Reformation Thoughts

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It’s October, the month when Lutherans look back to that day in 1517 when Dr. Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg. But that was only the beginning. Debates, diets, councils, conflicts and wars were quick … Continued

Everyone His Witness

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We are about half way through the “Everyone His Witness” evangelism workshop. I pray it has given you a lot of food for thought and perhaps clarified what true Christian witnessing is all about. If you haven’t been able to … Continued